Professional Development, Instructional Practices and Academic Performance of Mathematics Students, Muang District Elementary Schools, Suratthani, Thailand


This study purported to investigate the professional development (PD), instructional practices (IP) of the teachers and their relationships to the academic performance of grades five and six students in Mathematics of Muang District Elementary Schools, Suratthani, Thailand. Descriptive statistical analysis such as mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics such as correlation, t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) had been carried out to answer the research questions. The respondents of the study were the thirty-six Mathematics teachers and the fourteen administrators of the different public and private schools in the city. Variables were measured through the use of the two sets of questionnaire. The questionnaire for the teacher professional development was adapted/modified from Teaching and Learning International Survey while the other was adapted/modified from the Survey of Instructional Practices of Mathematics Teachers. The areas of PD included induction/mentoring participation, PD type participation, impact/extent of PD, participation costs, teachers’ needs, and participation barriers. The areas of instructional practice included homework, Maths instructional activities, assessments, instructional influences, classroom preparations, and teachers’ opinions. The results showed that there was significant difference between the degree of professional development of administrators and teachers and the different areas, respondents or schools. Also, there was significant difference between the extent of instructional practice of teachers and the different areas, respondents or schools. It was also found that there was significant difference between the level of academic performance of students in Mathematics and the grade levels and schools. However, this study showed that there was no significant relationship between the professional development and the academic performance of students in Mathematics. Similarly, there was no significant relationship between the instructional practice and the academic performance of students in Mathematics. Finally, this study revealed that there was significant relationship between the professional development and the instructional practice.

Author Information
Diosdado Catamco, Oonrak International Bilingual School, Thailand

Paper Information
Conference: ACEID2020
Stream: Primary & Secondary Education

This paper is part of the ACEID2020 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Catamco D. (2020) Professional Development, Instructional Practices and Academic Performance of Mathematics Students, Muang District Elementary Schools, Suratthani, Thailand ISSN: 2189-101X – The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2020 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 57-78)
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