The developments in knowledge and information technologies provide new opportunities for corporations. Corporations are realizing the potential to build relationships with publics using social media.Twitter, as a popular microblogging tool, is a social media platform used by corporations. Twitter has the possibility of informing target audiences about publicity, services and promotions of companies. Additionally, companies have received real-time feedback about organizational announcements and applications from target audiences. This study examines how airlines corporations which operated in Turkey, use Twitter as a communication and relationship-building tool. The study aims to analyse the number of tweets, followers, hashtags, public messages, retweets and multimedia files by using content analysis method. In addition, in this study; day and time of tweeting, topic of tweeting, and whether as using two-way communication channel or not will be analysed.
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Ahmet Tarhan, Selcuk University, Turkey
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Conference: ACSS2013
Stream: Social Sciences
This paper is part of the ACSS2013 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Tarhan A. (1970) Airlines Companies’ Usage Of Social Media: A Content Analysis of Airlines Companies’ Tweeter Messages ISSN: 2186-2303 – The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings (pp. -) https://doi.org/10.22492/2186-2303.20130443
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/2186-2303.20130443
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