Brand Marks as Messengers of Publicity for the City: The Level of Awareness of the City Brand Marks


The metropolitan cities which are getting biger and bigger together with the increasing of mechanization in production have caused some changes in people's way of life and habits. In today's world many cases such as fast spread of mass culture, typical habits of eating, drinking and having fun, revival of tourism, emerging new brand marks of almost every products are considered as results of this mass production. While the fact that goods and services in the same sector come nearer to one another in quality every passing day is making way to lots of new options for the producers, it has also caused various problems of marketing from the angle of manufacturers and managers. The most efficient tool to be used to overcome this disorder and disturbance is commonly said to be "branding". "Brand" has been being widely used for a long time as not only specific to products but also to cities and countries. In this context, branding of the cities are realizing with their historical past, national and international brands, successful and famous scientists, artists and politicians and internationally well-known institutions as well. Our work aims at putting forth the contribution of brands to publicity of the cities for consideration. On this account, a field survey that is used to test the information obtained through literature review was applied to the students and their parents who had come to the city of Konya in Turkey to be enrolled in the faculty of communication of Selcuk University.

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Kadir Canöz, Selcuk University, Turkey

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Conference: ACSS2013
Stream: Social Sciences

This paper is part of the ACSS2013 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Canöz K. (1970) Brand Marks as Messengers of Publicity for the City: The Level of Awareness of the City Brand Marks ISSN: 2186-2303 – The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings (pp. -)
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