The Different Involvement of Kinect Games in Physical Education Courses Effect on the Baseball Batting Skill Learning Performance of High School Students


The purpose of this study was to discuss the different involvement of kinect games in high school physical education courses. The researchers investigated 4 classes for 10- week physical education courses. In the class I, the teacher gave a brief introduction for batting skills and the students practiced batting skills by using baseball batting games from Kinect. In the class II, the teacher applied different upper limbs exercise games from Kinect including baseball, tennis, finishing and skiing indirectly to teach students the batting skills. In the class III, the teacher applied tee ball as a teaching instrument to let students practice baseball. The class IV, the students as a control group were taught by the whole body exercises, such as running and swimming. The researchers measured all students on the baseball batting skill learning performance by the batting distance at the beginning and the end of 10-week practice. Pretest and posttest were administered by employing a baseball batting tee. The results found out the students who enrolled in the classes with Kinect baseball batting games showed more significantly improvement on batting distance than in the tee ball group and the control group. The findings of this study indicated use Kinect as teaching instrument can enhance the batting performance. Involving kinect games differently can assist teachers to reach different teaching goals in physical education.

Author Information
Ching Li, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
I-Yao Fang, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Hsinyen Yen, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan

Paper Information
Conference: ACSET2013
Stream: Education

This paper is part of the ACSET2013 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Li C., Fang I., & Yen H. (1970) The Different Involvement of Kinect Games in Physical Education Courses Effect on the Baseball Batting Skill Learning Performance of High School Students ISSN:2188-272X – The Asian Conference on Society, Education and Technology 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings (pp. -)
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