Research and Development are crucial to every university aiming at being the world-class educational institute internationally accepted. The College of Arts, Media and Technology is an academic unit of Chiang Mai University, situated in the northern part of Thailand, aspires to reach this goal by combining the best in education with the global-standardized research, encouraging its staffs and students to conduct researches in an inspiring environment yielding high-quality research results and innovation creations in order to become the university of research and world-class research university. In the age of knowledge-based economy, Knowledge is one of the most crucial factors in the world today. For any organization, knowledge is also considered a core asset in the process of value creation. As a result, the skills to create and utilize knowledge are definitely the core competitiveness. Knowledge Engineering can be used to identify opportunities and bottlenecks in organizational development, distribution and resource application. From the examination of Bodies of Management using Knowledge Engineering via CommonKADS as a tool, it was found that 10 necessary bodies of knowledge to researchers and lecturers. The three bodies of knowledge with the most importance were the submission of research projects to outside funding sources, the budget for national and international academic presentation and the budget for academic publications. After analyzing these bodies of knowledge with CommonKADS, the result was the Knowledge Modeling diving knowledge into 3 levels of utilization called Task Knowledge, Inference Knowledge and Domain Knowledge. The necessary bodies of knowledge for researchers can be used in designing knowledge management system to be the center of education, knowledge creation, tknowledge forum, knowledge storing, knowledge sharing and knowledge distribution for both Tacit Knowledge and Explicit Knowledge. In addition, this knowledge can be further developed to support the knowledge management and the organization's operation in the future.
Author Information
Walaiporn Singkhamfu, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Achara Khamaksorn, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Pitipong Yodmongkol, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
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Conference: ACSET2013
Stream: Education
This paper is part of the ACSET2013 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Singkhamfu W., Khamaksorn A., & Yodmongkol P. (1970) Knowledge Engineering for Developing Knowledge Management System: College of Arts, Media and Technology, Thailand ISSN:2188-272X – The Asian Conference on Society, Education and Technology 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings (pp. -) https://doi.org/10.22492/2188-272X.20130658
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/2188-272X.20130658
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