Administrative Success Factors of Private Pre-Schools in Khon Kaen under Office of the Private Education Commission : Multi-Cases Study


The aims of these studies were to investigate factors of the schools’ administration achievements by both overall and classifications according to school size. The purposeful sampling method is used in this study. The methodology comprises the descriptive analysis of documents, observations and interview of the teachers and school administrators with respect to theoretical framework.Research findings were as follows; 1. Structural factor: Both of these schools similarly divide structural administration. However, the difference is how they organize the chains of command. Roles and responsibilities, teaching and school structure duty, are determined according to the personnel aptitudes. The schools have practical and strategy planning. The difference, nevertheless, is the internal communication. 2. People resource factor: Both schools have wide-vision ethic executives who use integrity and high academic and administrative competence to manage. They encourage the value of teamwork and personnel satisfaction. Also, they focus on rewarding to encourage excellent teachers. Moreover, they concentrate on the mutual objectives, role and responsibility of personnel to remain self-development. 3. Task factor: Both schools determine the workload of teaching of teachers. The teachers test the students every day, record and evaluate the students’ development.Great managements include administrative and information technology section. Public relations and self-evaluation are proceeded to prove operative quality.4. Technology factor: Both schools have standardized facilities classrooms. They provide experiential planning of students’ and community’s interest in accordance with the school curricular. Furthermore, educational materials are sufficiently supplied to students and well-arranged in the classroom.5. Monetary factor: Schools are privately executed and have a good amount of budget, they motivate the students and guardians by providing high technology educational materials, outside class activities and facilities to join the schools. 6. Environment factor: The schools’ environment is conducive to learning both inside and outside classroom for students’ learning and their interests.

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Sudathip Inthisen, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

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Conference: ACSET2013
Stream: Education

This paper is part of the ACSET2013 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Inthisen S. (1970) Administrative Success Factors of Private Pre-Schools in Khon Kaen under Office of the Private Education Commission : Multi-Cases Study ISSN:2188-272X – The Asian Conference on Society, Education and Technology 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings (pp. -)
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