Investing the educational system within an e-environment dedicated by Information and Communications Technology (ICT) administrative and learning technologies and capabilities advances educational results and better supports innovation, community and knowledge economy skills. Recent developments in ICT have incited an increasing attention in ICT-based blended-learning pedagogy to expand access to learning and adoptive lifelong learning amongst citizens through the use of ICT. The mission is to establish an e-environment that permits ICT within the education system and backings, facilitates, and automates both educational and administrative actions and services accomplished at all functional levels of the education system, to maximize performance, advance the planning and decision making process, promote educational quality, embedding ICT-based, blended-learning pedagogy properly using advanced technology to transform education into a learner-centric system that is internationally recognized in its quality and impact, and to substitute innovation and quality in teaching and learning. In this paper, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for adopting ICT within the education system have been presented. Further, the strategic goals have been established, followed by specific objectives with action plans to achieve the set goals. Moreover, the ICT scheme has been crafted to build a solid ICT-based, blended-learning pedagogy in schools and to make the usage of emerging technology within the education system easy and effective. Results show that the set strategies empower schools to develop the school-based, self-improvement ICT plans. More, the strategies also empower the progressive set of schools to lead others into the following phase of ICT-supported and knowledge economy-based skills.
Author Information
Sameh Ghwanmeh, WISE University, Jordan
Alaa Al-Makhzoomy, WISE University, Jordan
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Conference: ACSET2013
Stream: Education
This paper is part of the ACSET2013 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Ghwanmeh S., & Al-Makhzoomy A. (1970) Establishing an e-Environment that Empowers ICT within the Education System ISSN:2188-272X – The Asian Conference on Society, Education and Technology 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings (pp. -) https://doi.org/10.22492/2188-272X.20130137
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/2188-272X.20130137
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