Intercultural Training in Foreign Language Education: Using Video to Develop Cultural Awareness and Cultural Self-awareness of Japanese College Students


A long time has passed since the trend of English education in Japan shifted from grammar translation methods for acquiring English knowledge to using a communicative approach regarding foreign language learning as one kind of communication activities. English education and intercultural communication education share important commonalties in their purposes. The current English education at high schools and universities has seen not only methods based on applied linguistics and/or TESL, but also field of intercultural communication and intercultural training. In this presentation the presenter will introduce her practice in a college-level English class whose focus is on intercultural communication education. Video material created by the presenter, which described a cross-cultural interaction between Japanese and American college students, was used in order to develop cultural awareness and cultural self-awareness of the students in her English class. One of the purposes of this presentation is to discuss the relationship between foreign language education and intercultural education with an emphasis on intercultural training. Murata (2012) introduces a model called, "Construction Model of Academic Course with Introduction of Visual Media". The second purpose is to discuss Murata's model and its application to the presenter's classes. Finally, by presenting the students' responses in the video worksheet and the results of the survey questionnaire for the students, the learning effects of using this video material will be reported. In addition, other effective uses of intercultural training methods in the English class will be explored.

Author Information
Noriko Nakagawa, Ryutsu Kagaku University, Japan

Paper Information
Conference: ACLL2013
Stream: Language Learning

This paper is part of the ACLL2013 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Nakagawa N. (1970) Intercultural Training in Foreign Language Education: Using Video to Develop Cultural Awareness and Cultural Self-awareness of Japanese College Students ISSN: 2186-4691 – The Asian Conference on Language Learning 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings (pp. -)
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