Does Deeper Processing Lead to a Better Recall Result?— A Study on Second Language Vocabulary Learning


This study surveyed Chinese EFL learners about what activities they do after class to enhance the memorization of English vocabulary. Based on the survey responses and the framework of levels of processing (Craik and Lockhart, 1972), three tasks were designed to induce different levels of processing of a word list. Task 1 was a phonological processing task; Task 2 a semantic processing task with oral production of sentences; and Task 3 a semantic processing task with written production of sentences. Participants of three tasks were instructed to process a word list of 15 English words and then conduct an immediate free recall task. The results showed that more elaborative processing leads to a slightly better immediate free recall results. There was no statistically difference between recall results of three tasks. There was a modality difference in the recall results: Oral production task produced slightly higher recall results than written production task. Syllable-based word effect, primacy and recency effects were observed in the results. Grammaticality of sentences produced in both semantic processing tasks is not an indicator for recall results.

Author Information
Lin He, Xi'an International Studies University, China

Paper Information
Conference: ACLL2013
Stream: Language Learning

This paper is part of the ACLL2013 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
He L. (1970) Does Deeper Processing Lead to a Better Recall Result?— A Study on Second Language Vocabulary Learning ISSN: 2186-4691 – The Asian Conference on Language Learning 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings (pp. -)
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