What is my Learning Style Preference?


Due to students' different background, motivational level, interest and learning style (to name a few), it is very vital for teachers or educators to determine the learning style preference (LSP) of the students. Not only it helps teachers or educators to decide on the teaching style, it also assists them in adopting the most appropriate approach for the students. In relation to this, this paper investigated the LSP of the English and Spanish Language students. To identify the LSP of the students, the researchers used Reid's Perceptual Learning Style Preference questionnaire. The findings show that Group, Visual, Kinesthetic and Tactile learning styles are the students' major learning styles, whereas, Auditory learning style is identified as their minor learning style. It is also found that Individual learning style is the most insignificant learning style that the students less preferred, and Group learning style is the most prevalent learning style of these students.

Author Information
Kasma Mohd Hayas, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
Sabariah Abd Rahim, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia

Paper Information
Conference: ACLL2013
Stream: Language Learning

This paper is part of the ACLL2013 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Hayas K., & Rahim S. (1970) What is my Learning Style Preference? ISSN: 2186-4691 – The Asian Conference on Language Learning 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings (pp. -) https://doi.org/10.22492/2186-4691.20130028
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/2186-4691.20130028

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