It has been more than 55 years that university entrance examination in Iran exists.This entrance examination is held for 4 hours which should reflect over 13 years of student educational experience.––This tough exam and its result at the end of 4thyear studying at high school makes students uncomfortable to predict their future career. For their future career,boys should do a mandatory military service in Iran.The acceptance of this examination could be a solution to postpone this service while for girls is finding better jobs and social position.So,this entrance could create several issues as it affects the student future such as stress.It is caused by many factors:Lessons in high volume,limited time of exam for answering and family force for success.Therefore stress and lack of physical and mental health will be replaced with joy and happiness by families.But how we can mitigate this stress as teachers and find a solution for that. In this regard,the orientations of teaching staff functions were set to exceed the performance of an educational institution.Functions of emotional support and educational strategic policy that must be performed by the educational ministry and the family and combine them with the functions of the management education curriculum for students. So,the following action plan has been implemented: Acting as a social worker for reducing their problems such as divorce,addictions of parents,sexual problem and early marriage. Creating an atmosphere of empathy and patience with the stressful students who are not initially inclined to make contact. Emotional relationships between teachers, between teachers and administrative staff, as well as between teachers and students that students will be more confident. Persuade parents to accept their children's real abilities to success. Adjusted the tough exams, recreation and tourism,cultural programs such as reading poem,visiting museums,breathing exercises,singing and contemplation in spiritual space.
Author Information
Maryam Roohipoor, Andishehkhalagh High school, Iran
Mitra Rezakhanloo, Andishehkhalagh High school, Iran
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Conference: ACE2013
Stream: Education
This paper is part of the ACE2013 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Roohipoor M., & Rezakhanloo M. (1970) University Entrance Examination: One Critical Challenge for Iranian Multi-functional Educational Institutions ISSN: 2186-5892 – The Asian Conference on Education 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings (pp. -) https://doi.org/10.22492/2186-5892.20130369
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/2186-5892.20130369
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