Implementing Mobile Assisted Language Learning in Rural Schools for Enhancing Learning Opportunity


There are  gaps between students in rural school and urban school  in Indonesia relating to motivation and interests in learning English as a second language in Indonesia. In fact, the students in rural area typically achieve an English proficiency less than students in urban school. There are some factors impact the rural students motivation and intereset in learning English including socio economic background of students, learning materials and after school programs. In order to increase an individual’s foreign language proficiency,  spending cost and time are required and mostly students in rural couldn’t afford these requirements. The aim of this research is to increase rural students’ motivation and interest in learning English by implementing Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL). Since currently   a mobile phone becomes a pervasive technology in Indonesia, almost all people carry mobile phone  even in rural areas. Mobile phone would be used to facilitate language learning. In second language learning, high intensity of learning is required and learning via mobile phone can serve for that, learning can take place everywhere and every time.  In order to investigate the student’s engagement, the MALL system was equipped with SMS (Short Message Service) Gateway.  The student’s engagement and result of exercises would be sent to the server. The MALL system gave a great impact in increasing student’s motivation and interests in learning Engslish in a rural school in Indonesia.

Author Information
Saida Ulfa, State University of Malang, Indonesia

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Conference: ACE2013
Stream: Education

This paper is part of the ACE2013 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Ulfa S. (1970) Implementing Mobile Assisted Language Learning in Rural Schools for Enhancing Learning Opportunity ISSN: 2186-5892 – The Asian Conference on Education 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings (pp. -)
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