Democracy, Trust, Responsibility, and Global Workforce Competence: A Case Study Revisited


In 2001, the researcher studied the values of democracy, trust, and student responsibility as featured in the Swedish National Curriculum; in addition, he examined the concept of "global workforce competence" (teamwork, problem solving, pragmatic technical skills, and entrepreneurship). The three-site case study was comprised of an elementary, a middle, and a high school in a small community in Sweden. A re-examination of these same variables at the same three schools took place 12 years after the previous study, and seven years after a national political shift led to major changes to education policies. The re-examination suggests an erosion of these variables based on recent changes in national policies that trickled down to the local level. Teachers, in particular, were most affected by these changes which found their levels of autonomy decrease. A unintentional finding from the interviews and observations was the impact immigration has had on the schools and community.

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R.D. Nordgren, National University, United States

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Conference: ACE2013
Stream: Education

This paper is part of the ACE2013 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Nordgren R. (1970) Democracy, Trust, Responsibility, and Global Workforce Competence: A Case Study Revisited ISSN: 2186-5892 – The Asian Conference on Education 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings (pp. -)
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