Reception and Consumption of Korean TV Drama by Asian Audiences: The Fansubbing Phenomenon


Changes in the new media environment are radically shifting the ways audiences consume media products like foreign language TV dramas. The rapid expansion of broadband internet and the development of mobile technology in Asia are changing how Asian fans of these media products interact with each other. The purpose of this study is to examine the reception and distribution process of Korean TV dramas to Asian audiences. For instance, fans of the "Korean Wave" in Asia interact with other fans by participating in discussions about TV drama plots and characters on online communities, exchange amateur-translated subtitles and also comment on the translations. This study will particularly focus on the distribution of the Korean drama not only through legitimate broadcasting stations but will also examine the on-line circulation and consumption these products and their translations by internet users in Asia.
The main objective of this study is to examine the changing consumption practices of viewing TV programs by Asian users within various internet communities. Within the parameters of this theme, I attempt to research the practice of exchanging fansubs (amateur translations by fans) on fan-based internet forums centered on Korean TV dramas with the purpose of examining the translation process of fansubbers and the operating procedure of fansubbing. I will also observe how the culture-bound expressions that are distinct to the culture of the source country are rendered and conveyed to the foreign audiences through translation.

Author Information
Sung-Eun Cho, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea

Paper Information
Conference: ACCS2014
Stream: Cultural Studies

This paper is part of the ACCS2014 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Cho S. (1970) Reception and Consumption of Korean TV Drama by Asian Audiences: The Fansubbing Phenomenon ISSN: 2187-4751 – The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies 2014 – Official Conference Proceedings (pp. -)
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