This study investigates the impact of participation in a university module on Malay performing arts, specifically dikir barat, Malay dance, and angklung, on the identity formation of Malay undergraduates. The study surveyed 40 students and analyzed 10 reflection videos, focusing on undergraduates who had limited prior engagement with the Malay language and culture. Using questionnaires and video reflections, the research aimed to answer two key questions: (a) How do Malay undergraduates who are inactive in Malay language and culture perceive their identity? (b) How does participation in Malay performing arts impact their sense of identity as Malays? The findings reveal that, prior to the module, many students felt detached from their identity as Malays, citing barriers in their use of the Malay language and limited interaction with the Malay community in university. However, through participation in the module, students reported a renewed sense of identity and connectedness to their cultural roots. The use of the Malay language in performances and the immersive nature of cultural art forms fostered this reconnection. The supportive learning environment enabled students to engage with the language and culture, facilitating personal growth and cultural exploration. Offered three times since 2022, this new module shows promising outcomes but is limited by small sample size. Future research could involve group interviews and explore development of cultural programs aimed at Malay undergraduates who do not major in Malay studies. This research underscores the potential of arts-based modules in higher education to foster cultural identity development and promote inclusivity.
Author Information
Roszalina Binte Rawi, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
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