Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy Into Curricula: The Case of Agricultural Sciences at the University of Helsinki


In this study, the concept of AI (artificial intelligence) literacy is evaluated prior to the curriculum planning of the BSc Agricultural Sciences programme. The chosen methodological approach was an integrative literature review, including conceptual structuring of the review, a description of the method, and a review and critical analysis of the literature on AI literacy and its integration in curricula. This process involved synthesising knowledge from literature, AI literacy policies, and practices in the degree programme. In total, 58 literature sources were examined. For BSc Agricultural Sciences students, AI literacy is important in two main areas: agricultural AI applications and the use of AI in studies and research. There is no established definition of AI literacy; a variety of approaches were gathered from the literature. First, AI literacy includes the cognitive elements of both knowledge and skills relating to the content, applications, use, ethics and evaluation of AI, as well as creating with AI. Second, AI literacy contains psychological and metacognitive elements. Additional aspects of AI literacy include targeted learning outcomes, social norms, access to AI tools, critical evaluation and disciplinary knowledge. A visual summary of the literature is presented as an AI literacy framework. Options are proposed for the addition of AI into the constructive alignment table (a leadership spreadsheet tool). The AI literacy framework can be used in developing both the curriculum and the planning tool. We present suggestions to be discussed regarding the inclusion of AI literacy in the forthcoming curriculum of the BSc Agricultural Sciences programme.

Author Information
Hanna-Riitta Kymäläinen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Maria von Cräutlein, University of Helsinki, Finland
Kari Elo, University of Helsinki, Finland
Szabolcs Galambosi, University of Helsinki, Finland
Anne Honkanen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Janna Pietikäinen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Ilona Södervik, University of Helsinki, Finland

Paper Information
Conference: BCE2024
Stream: Curriculum Design & Development

This paper is part of the BCE2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Kymäläinen H., Cräutlein M., Elo K., Galambosi S., Honkanen A., Pietikäinen J., & Södervik I. (2025) Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy Into Curricula: The Case of Agricultural Sciences at the University of Helsinki ISSN: 2435-9467 – The Barcelona Conference on Education 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 1025-1041)
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