Development of Storytelling Learning Activities (Role Playing) for Junior High School


The research aimed to develop learning materials that utilized role-playing as a means of storytelling instructional plan. The research is intended to further improve junior high school students' competencies in English, particularly their speaking skills. Through the utilization of the ADDIE model, the developer designed learning activities that integrated role-playing into storytelling. Five experts who are all seasoned master teachers in English were chosen to be the validating panel to review and assess the face and content validity of the developed learning activities. Based on the evaluation of the panel of expert, the developed learning activities has very high validity on assigned criteria namely: (a) adequacy; (b) coherence; (c) appropriateness; (d) usefulness, and; (e) content. However, the developed learning activities were yet to be implemented as actual activities for students thus, the reliability of the materials is yet to be not proven. Improvements as suggested by the validators must be considered should the learning activities would be used in actual classes. Overall, the developed instructional materials are deemed fit to be implemented for English classes of junior high school students.

Author Information
Jerico Gaspar, National University, Philippines
Jorge Mayordomo, National University, Philippines
Cloyd Arbolenate, National University, Philippines
Dexter Raymundo, National University, Philippines

Paper Information
Conference: KCE2024
Stream: Curriculum Design & Development

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon