Resident Perspectives on the Transformation of Tangible and Intangible Heritage in the Development of Traditional Villages


The tourism development within China’s traditional villages marks a significant cultural shift, impacting both tangible and intangible cultural aspects of heritage. This research focuses on the multifaceted effects of this development from residents’ perspective, a topic that remains relatively under-explored. Using Langtou Village in Guangzhou, China, as a case study, the aim is to explore the views of various resident groups regarding the effects of traditional village development. The results show that native residents generally perceive this development as positively influencing their material life, while non-native residents express more neutral or negative views. Regarding commercial development, the elderly residents tend to evaluate changes in tangible culture more favorably, while the younger generation exhibits more critical attitudes. Moreover, non-native residents show a lower willingness to participate in cultural activities, highlighting a significant disconnect between these activities and the elderly community. The study further indicates that while the development has increased the diversity and frequency of cultural events, the willingness of native villagers to participate in intangible cultural activities has decreased due to the influx of outsiders. These results aim to inform strategies for balancing development with cultural preservation in traditional villages, promoting a more inclusive and sustainable revitalization process through enhanced communication among different resident groups.

Author Information
Mi Yuan, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Zhou Fang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

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Conference: ECAH2024
Stream: Arts - Social

This paper is part of the ECAH2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Yuan M., & Fang Z. (2024) Resident Perspectives on the Transformation of Tangible and Intangible Heritage in the Development of Traditional Villages ISSN: 2188-1111 – The European Conference on Arts & Humanities 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 237-250)
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