Verbal Communication Strategies for Recording Eurogenetic (Western Classical) Music


This research explores verbal communication strategies in classical music recording sessions, with a focus on the interaction between the recording team (producer and/or recording engineer) and performers. The paper outlines how challenges encountered on a self-produced record led to the development of a notation system by the researcher to address performance issues during recording classical music. The study evolved into investigating communication dynamics within recording sessions, emphasising the importance of effective feedback exchange. The paper outlines classical music production processes, highlighting the collaboration between performers and the recording team. It identifies gaps in existing literature concerning marking performance issues, translating them into constructive feedback, and how these interactions impact the recorded sound and production processes. Research questions centre on understanding and enhancing communication in recording sessions, aiming to observe and improve verbal interactions between recording teams and performers. Methodologically, a practice-based approach is adopted, integrating elements of ethnography, descriptive analysis, and case studies to capture the complexity of communication dynamics in studio work. Emerging themes include the performer’s understanding of studio recording experiences and building trust between producers and performers. Importance is placed on setting mutual expectations, accommodating different communication styles and personalities, and involving performers in pre-production discussions. Further research directions involve exploring communication in diverse contexts and integrating recording studio practices into educational curricula. By continuing to investigate communication dynamics from both performer and recording team perspectives, efforts aim to refine communication strategies in classical music recording scenarios.

Author Information
Emre Ekici, University of Otago, New Zealand

Paper Information
Conference: ECAH2024
Stream: Arts - Performing Arts Practices: Theater

This paper is part of the ECAH2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Ekici E. (2024) Verbal Communication Strategies for Recording Eurogenetic (Western Classical) Music ISSN: 2188-1111 – The European Conference on Arts & Humanities 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 173-183)
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