Supercentenarians – The Conquerors of Aging


Supercentenarians are people who have lived past their 110th birthday. While supercentenarians are not a recent phenomenon, the number of supercentenarians has increased over time. Previous research on supercentenarians has had a smaller scope which necessitated the present study. The aim of this study was to validate deceased supercentenarians and analyze them concerning number of supercentenarians, sex differences, regional differences, and seasonality. The results indicate that the number of supercentenarians has increased quickly over time, that 90% of validated supercentenarians are female and that most come from a limited number of regions, with most supercentenarians coming from the Northern hemisphere and either USA & Canada or Europe. About 56% of supercentenarians were born and died between the months of October to March. A mortality plateau of 50% might exist at ages up to 113, whereafter an acceleration towards 60% occurs. This study provides a better insight into supercentenarians than has previously been known but there are still gaps in the data which need to be addressed.

Author Information
Jimmy Lindberg, LongeviQuest, United States
Jeffrey Xu, LongeviQuest, United States

Paper Information
Conference: EGen2024
Stream: Lifespan Health Promotion

This paper is part of the EGen2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Lindberg J., & Xu J. (2024) Supercentenarians – The Conquerors of Aging ISSN: 2435-4937 The European Conference on Aging & Gerontology 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 39-49)
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Posted by James Alexander Gordon