Cultural Values Education for Ethnic Minority High School Students: A Case Study in Thai Nguyen Province, Vietnam


Cultural value education plays a crucial role in shaping the awareness and development of ethnic minority high school students. However, many ethnic minority students still lack a deep understanding of their traditional cultural values and fail to fully recognize the importance of preserving these values. This study aims to provide an overview of the issues related to cultural value education for ethnic minority high school students, evaluate the current state of cultural value education in Thai Nguyen province, Vietnam, and propose effective educational solutions. The research team conducted a survey involving 50 teachers and 147 students. The results indicate that schools have successfully integrated cultural values into daily life and curricula, helping students maintain strong connections with their families and local culture. Based on the analysis, the study proposes several solutions to enhance the effectiveness of cultural value education for ethnic minority high school students. Implementing these solutions has enabled students to gain a deeper understanding of their cultural values, thereby fostering a sense of responsibility in preserving and promoting traditional cultural heritage in international integration.

Author Information
Quy Ngo Thi Thanh, Thai Nguyen University of Education, Vietnam
Thuy Ngo Thu, Thai Nguyen University of Education, Vietnam

Paper Information
Conference: PCE2024
Stream: Challenging & Preserving: Culture

This paper is part of the PCE2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Thanh Q., & Thu T. (2024) Cultural Values Education for Ethnic Minority High School Students: A Case Study in Thai Nguyen Province, Vietnam ISSN: 2758-0962 The Paris Conference on Education 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 91-103)
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