Examining the Relationship Between School Climate and Job Satisfaction With Teacher’s Autonomy as a Mediator


The research on teachers' job satisfaction has always been a critical issue in the development of the educational environment. In this study, it adopts a perspective focusing on the working environment of teachers to investigate the mediating factors influencing job satisfaction among 3,855 middle school teachers in Taiwan, with a primary focus on teacher autonomy. This research method was adopted secondary data analysis. The data source is the 2018 Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS), which includes regression-related variables for discipline and innovation in the working environment, as well as teacher job satisfaction. The study uses simple mediation model and regression analysis contributes to the main thread of this study in several dimensions. First, there is a correlation between job satisfaction when the working environment is disciplinary and the performance of teacher job satisfaction when the working environment is innovative, providing support for the theory. When teachers have more autonomy, both the disciplinary and innovation in the working environment influence teacher job satisfaction. Second, the Sobel (goodman) test to determine whether the effect of the independent variable: climate-disciplinary, climate-innovation, after including the mediator: teacher autonomy in the model. Finally, the findings emphasize the critical role of teacher autonomy in shaping teachers' job satisfaction, which can be of significance to policymakers.

Author Information
Jen-Chia Chang, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
Po-Ching Lu, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
Henry C. Wang, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan

Paper Information
Conference: ACSS2024
Stream: Education and Social Welfare

This paper is part of the ACSS2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Chang J., Lu P., & Wang H. (2024) Examining the Relationship Between School Climate and Job Satisfaction With Teacher’s Autonomy as a Mediator ISSN: 2186-2303 – The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 175-185) https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2186-2303.2024.15
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2186-2303.2024.15

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