The Intimate World of Alice Springs Portraits


This paper discusses the works of Alice Springs aka June Newton, wife of Helmut Newton who was a very famous fashion photographer in the 20th century. Alice Springs worked in three genres: portraiture, nude, and fashion/commercial photography – just like her husband, but to differing degrees. In particular, her incomparable portraits continue to resonate today with their authenticity and intensity. Unlike Newton, Springs photographed in a different manner and style. Her portraits were much more intimate and showed her empathy towards others. Social status was not a decisive factor for Alice Springs, even if most of her protagonists counted among the cultural jet set. Besides prominent actors, directors, and writers, her work includes equally compelling portraits of people from other walks of life – including members of the Hells Angels, the punk scene in Los Angeles, and dancers backstage at the Crazy Horse cabaret in Paris. Although Alice Springs got closer to her subjects and responded more spontaneity to unexpected situations than other photographers, she consistently captured the individuality of every one of them. In doing so, she contributed new and surprising images, free of clichés, to the familiar trove of celebrity depictions. Possibly it was her solid grounding in acting that enabled her to look simultaneously at and behind the facade of human expression with her lens.

Author Information
Magdalena Szulc, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland

Paper Information
Conference: ECAH2024
Stream: Arts - Visual Arts Practices

This paper is part of the ECAH2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Szulc M. (2024) The Intimate World of Alice Springs Portraits ISSN: 2188-1111 – The European Conference on Arts & Humanities 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 21-28)
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