A Correlational Study of Political Accountability of Sanguniang Barangay and Barangay Readiness for Climate Change


Climate change is a worldwide phenomenon having far-reaching consequences in numerous areas of society, including the economy, government, and living conditions. To effectively mitigate these effects, the national government needs to develop and employ policies and directives that can fulfill the safety and protection requirements of its people through development efforts, therefore improving the overall quality of life for all citizens. This research endeavor intends to assess the political accountability of the Malabon Barangay Councilors, especially in the context of their readiness for climate change. It digs into the notion of decentralization, in which national policies addressing climate change are operationalized at the grassroots level through municipal rules, with the Barangay Councilors in charge of implementation, supervision, and reporting. Furthermore, this study delves into crucial concerns related to the administrative responsibility of the Sangguniang Barangay, which substantially impacts the level of readiness for climate change. These considerations extend to their degree of accountability, which often surpasses their prescribed responsibilities as delineated by the local government code. Moreover, the research evaluates the legislative powers vested in the Barangay Councilors, the nature of their priorities when enacting laws, and the extent of engagement they foster among diverse stakeholders, including sectoral leaders and residents. The active participation of these stakeholders serves to foster heightened community awareness, thus enhancing the effectiveness of climate change adaptation efforts.

Author Information
Ester B. Onag, Adamson University, Philippines

Paper Information
Conference: IICAH2024
Stream: Political Science

This paper is part of the IICAH2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Onag E. (2024) A Correlational Study of Political Accountability of Sanguniang Barangay and Barangay Readiness for Climate Change ISSN: 2432-4604 – The IAFOR International Conference on Arts & Humanities – Hawaii 2024 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 225-240) https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2432-4604.2024.21
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2432-4604.2024.21

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