South Indian movies bring new public imagination with a variety of plots related to public issues. This study explores how citizens and heroes interact in political thrillers in Tollywood and Sandalwood movies with themes to solve election violence, corruptions, loan defaults and illegal expropriation of land. Textual analysis is conducted for six movies: Sarkaru Vaari Paata, Rangasthalam, K.G.F, K.G.F Chapter 2, Bharat Ane Nenu, and Maharshi. By defining six categorizes of heroes, this study focuses on public heroes and chaotic heroes by exploring how their backgrounds push them to connect people and turn the victims and truth-seekers to become citizens. The shaping and formation of citizens could become a beacon of hope in a disordered democratic society by uniting people to push for answers for issues. Heroes often resort to violence or utilize their expertise to tackle corrupt governments, local criminal forces, exploitative officials, or replace themselves in corrupt structures. However, this analysis focuses more on the following findings: South Indian movies narrate the potential for class mobility, depicting the relationship among the following people as slaves, lower-class citizens, citizens, and issue participants in political events. From the perspectives of commercial logic, citizen demands, and the significance of issues, the plots about the involvement of elites with people in promoting issue solution is highlighted. Entertainment effects, commercial logic, citizen demands, and issue visibility all have the potential to be addressed through movie-watching rituals. The possibility of enhancing publicness through the combination of popular culture, citizen resistance, and market elements is also discussed.
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Ying-Ying Chen, National United University, Taiwan
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Conference: KAMC2023
Stream: Cultural Studies
This paper is part of the KAMC2023 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Chen Y. (2023) Textual Analysis of the Publicness in Exploring Indian Hero Films and Democratic Practice of Citizen Participation ISSN: 2436-0503 – The Kyoto Conference on Arts, Media & Culture 2023: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 687-697) https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2436-0503.2023.61
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2436-0503.2023.61
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