Committee System in Lagos State Tertiary Institutions, Nigeria


The committee system and its effects on institutional governance are examined in this study for Nigeria’s postsecondary institutions in Lagos State. This study’s objectives were to evaluate the committee system’s integration into Lagos State’s tertiary institutions and to ascertain its effects on institutional governance. The study utilised qualitative and well as qualitative techniques for collecting and examining data. Ten tertiary institutions in the Lagos State made up the study’s sample. For the study, a total of 250 members of the academic staff were selected as respondents. The respondents were chosen using a purposeful sampling strategy. Utilising structured questionnaires, data were gathered. The data were analysed using the t-test, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. The study’s conclusions showed that although the committee system in Lagos State’s tertiary institutions has been institutionalised, various issues, including a lack of commitment, political interference, bureaucracy, and insufficient resources, have hindered its real implementation. Additionally, it has been discovered that the committee system has a beneficial impact on institutional governance. It will be important for all of Lagos State’s tertiary institutions to create and use a committee structure free from intervention. Additionally, sufficient resources should be offered to guarantee the committee system’s successful and efficient operation. Members of the committee system should also receive appropriate training and retraining for efficient institutional governance.

Author Information
Lawal Bolanle Saidat, Lagos State University, Nigeria

Paper Information
Conference: IICAH2024
Stream: Other Humanities

This paper is part of the IICAH2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Saidat L. (2024) Committee System in Lagos State Tertiary Institutions, Nigeria ISSN: 2432-4604 – The IAFOR International Conference on Arts & Humanities – Hawaii 2024 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 35-47)
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