The Design Workshop: A Pedagogical Approach for Iterative Knowing, Doing, and Designing


A design workshop is a pedagogical tool employed in student studios focusing on a process rather than a product. Ambiguous in nature, open-ended, and self-directed, workshops create low-stakes conditions for iterative and experimental outcomes. The nature of these design charrettes makes them approachable to all levels, encouraging students to let go of expectations and learn essential skills for professional practice. Critical in a post-pandemic environment, the design workshop is a compelling approach to teaching new concepts, theories, and even craft. This paper details five case studies that utilize the workshop model to teach students various complex topics and skills. Supported by the case studies, educators may utilize a framework to structure design workshops for student projects in which the goals are to learn ways of knowing, doing, and designing rather than a specific final artefact or outcome.

Author Information
Rachael Paine, Virginia Tech, United States
Bree McMahon, University of Arkansas, United States

Paper Information
Conference: BAMC2023
Stream: Education / Pedagogy

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon