The Quercetum Chorus Workshop


The Quercetum Chorus Workshop introduced students in the Cal Poly Pomona Interdisciplinary Paris Study Abroad Program (CPP IPSAP) to methods of deepening human-tree relations through sound, drawing and movement. Students applied a multi-sensory approach to knowing trees by attuning to their frequencies, textures, shapes, and movements. They were invited to reimagine trees as more-than-human bodies and relate to them through shared sonic, visual and somatic sensibilities. Embodiment, listening and inner reflection bridged the personal to the environmental in a co-creation process participants could share later in a variety of educational and community contexts. The Quercetum Chorus is part of Sonic Kinesthetic Forest, a research collaboration between landscape designer, Rennie Tang, sound artist, Eleni-Ira Panourgia, and movement/dance educator, Lisa Sandlos, that responds to issues of disembodiment, social isolation, and disconnection from nature. For the Quercetum Chorus workshop, we partnered with landscape design studio Coloco, the design team for a multi-year urban development project in Val de Fontenay, a suburb of Paris. Coloco had planted a group of 20 species of oak trees (a quercetum) near their project site to test the resilience of the trees in the current environmental context and inform the strategy for future oak tree planting within the new development. Each student observed, documented and researched one oak tree in the quercetum. Using our methodology, they developed a sonic kinesthetic language for relating to their tree, allowing them to enhance their design practice through empathy and an appreciation for their tree’s resilience as it became established.

Author Information
Rennie Tang, California State Polytechnic University, United States
Lisa Sandlos, York University, Canada
Eleni-Ira Panourgia, Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, Germany

Paper Information
Conference: PCAH2023
Stream: Arts - Social

This paper is part of the PCAH2023 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Tang R., Sandlos L., & Panourgia E. (2023) The Quercetum Chorus Workshop ISSN: 2758-0970 The Paris Conference on Arts & Humanities 2023 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 67-80)
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