Simulation-Oriented Training: Analysis and Modeling of Trainer Activity During Post-simulation Debriefing (D-STAM)


In post-simulation debriefing, the role of the trainer is increasingly recognised as an important asset for effective professional training. However, there are no specific models that focus on the trainer's activity during this fundamental phase of learning. Existing work often provides prescriptive insights and lacks a comprehensive theoretical framework from the trainer's perspective. To fill this gap, the paper presents the D-STAM (Debriefing Simulation Trainer Activity Model), an integrative model designed to understand and improve trainer activity during post-simulation debriefing. The D-STAM aims to answer the research question about the trainer's role in post-simulation debriefing and to identify the characteristics of the trainer's activity. It was developed on the basis of an integrative literature searches in nine French and English databases (Google Scholar, ERIC, ERUDIT, CAIRN, Pascal & Francis, OpenEdition, Springer, SCOPUS and Sudoc). The 33 articles selected were subjected to thematic analysis (according to Braun and Clark, 2006), supplemented by n-vivo 12 software. The D-STAM highlights the role of the trainer as a facilitator, guiding the learners' reflections and supporting the development of operational models. It emphasises the dual regulation of the trainer's activity, both by himself/herself and by the dynamic conditions of the debriefing. The model includes three levels of variables (input, process and effect) and provides a holistic understanding of the trainer's activity, including the use of technology. The model is applicable to the fields of medicine, risk management and education.

Author Information
Valérie Duvivier, Université de Mons, Belgium
Emilie Carosin, Université de Mons, Belgium
Antoine Derobertmasure, Université de Mons, Belgium
Marc Demeuse, Université de Mons, Belgium

Paper Information
Conference: PCE2023
Stream: Professional Training

This paper is part of the PCE2023 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Duvivier V., Carosin E., Derobertmasure A., & Demeuse M. (2023) Simulation-Oriented Training: Analysis and Modeling of Trainer Activity During Post-simulation Debriefing (D-STAM) ISSN: 2758-0962 The Paris Conference on Education 2023: Official Conference Proceedings
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