Lifelong Learning as a Key to the 21st Century: I Ching Education as an Example


Learning to adapt has become a vital learning capacity for everyone in the face of the problems of the twenty-first century, including rapid technology breakthroughs, an aging population, and fast industrial changes, as well as the influence of the COVID-19 post-epidemic era. The Education 2030 Framework for Action, proposed by UNESCO (2016) emphasizes the integration of life and learning and claims that the best way to respond to future changes is through continual learning and innovation. Additionally, The book I-Ching, also known as The Book of Changes in English, with "change" as its central theme, is the first Chinese classic to teach the world that "only proper adjustments can result in better survival." Therefore, this study focuses on the significance of lifelong learning based on I Ching which encompasses not only the development track of human civilization from ancient times, but also the basic learning ability and sustainable development of lifelong learning for humans today and in the future. Using I Ching University as an example, this research elaborates the essential concept of I Ching education and its connotation of lifelong learning which fully implements the UNESCO philosophy of lifelong learning. The results of this study are expected to open up cross-disciplinary academic research on the I Ching, revealing the cosmic mystery of why the I Ching has remained unshaken for thousands of years, in addition to serving as a reference for international organizations in developing lifelong learning theories and policies.

Author Information
Chen-Mei Li, Weixin Shengjiao College, Taiwan
Yu-Shan Yen, Weixin Shengjiao College, Taiwan
Meng-Chen Wu, Weixin Shengjiao College, Taiwan

Paper Information
Conference: ACERP2023
Stream: Religion - Religion and Education

This paper is part of the ACERP2023 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Li C., Yen Y., & Wu M. (2023) Lifelong Learning as a Key to the 21st Century: I Ching Education as an Example ISSN: 2187-476X – The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy 2023 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 99-105)
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