East West Discourse: An Esoteric Comparison of the Western Philosophy and the Eastern Vedanta


The progressive emergence, in the course of evolution of life, mind and personality, requires to assume a creative Principle operating timeless Reality in the temporal.The difference between Western philosophy and India, concerns the origin and the purpose of the philosophical enquiry.While the former wonders at the external world, the latter is awareness of perennial suffering associated with human existence.The present world suffers from a basic form of rootlessness,reflecting many psychological, philosophical studies.Alienation,a major theme of human condition in the contemporary epoch has emerged as natural consequences of existential predicament,observed by Edmund Fuller as, “man suffers not only from war,persecution, famine and ruin but from inner problems....a conviction of isolation, randomness, meaninglessness in his way of exixtence.”.The post world war scenario well analyses the chaos and anguished estrangement.In such conditions when the West cries out , “What is there?I know first of all that I am.But who am I?..... What I am seperated from I cannot name it. But I am seperated.”(Dostoevsky:The Confession), Vedantic philosophy looks upon the Pilgrim’s Progress of Humanity as being essentially one, reflecting a basic human experience, outbraving indecorous dictims that have failed to give due honour to human beings,echoing with ultimate certitude:
(The Atman is the same in the ant, the same in the gnat, the same in the elephant, the same in these three worlds....the same in the whole Universe).
The present paper aims at a comperative study of cultural and philosophical expression taking in view extensive illustrations from The Vedantic lores of Indian philosophy.

Author Information
Chandrabati Chakraborty, Adamas University, India

Paper Information
Conference: ACERP2023
Stream: Philosophy - Philosophy and Religion

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