Importance of Assessment for Students with ADHD in College


Importance of Assessment for Students with ADHD in College The diagnosis of ADHD has continued to expand across nations and cultural backgrounds. Countries face equivalent rates to those witnessed across the United States and the United Kingdom since the identification of ADHD in the 1970s (Faraone et al., 2009). While an increasing number of people with an ADHD diagnosis seek post-secondary tutoring, most learners' lives are challenging. Post-secondary education often has higher organizational demand and is absent of direct parental or teacher support; thus, persons with the condition often find difficulty transitioning from adolescence to maturity while pursuing a college degree. Due to this disorder, university learners experiencing challenges vary from the general populace who have not enrolled for a college education. When learners with this disorder are compared to typical college peers, they are at high risk of underperforming, exhibiting emotional instability, and dropping out of school (Lee et al., 2008). Their life changes, combined with the symptoms of ADHD, result in a challenge for ADHD students navigating a post-secondary setting. Students with an ADHD diagnosis find that their academic performance is negatively affected, resulting in education failures, early school dropout, and increased potential issues with drugs and alcohol. Advanced diagnosis and improved screening methods of ADHD may be appropriate for these institutions to serve this student population's needs better. Keywords: special education, ADHD, college students, higher education special education, ADHD with higher education, Assessment for Students with ADHD in College, diagnosis for students in college with ADHD.

Author Information
Maricla Pirozzi Quartey, Northeastern University, United States

Paper Information
Conference: IICAH2023
Stream: Knowledge

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