The Reconstruction of Rural Places Through Paper-Cutting Art: A Case Study of a “Paper-Cutting Village” in Fujian Province, China


Xuelingwei is a village in Zhe Rong County, Ningde City, Fujian Province, China, which is renowned as the "paper-cutting village." The village can be regarded as an"overall space" from a spatial sociological perspective. In my research, I examined the spatial practices of the paper-cutting village of Xuelingwei based on participant observation and interviews with local paper-cutting inheritors, practitioners, villagers, government staff, and tourists. I discovered that through the cultural practice of paper-cutting folk art, Xuelingwei village is
endowed with multiple spatial connotations. In the process of spatial socialization, the art of paper-cutting is gradually integrated into the villagers' daily lives. The village space is continuously enlarged, altered, depicted, and reproduced based on the perception, selection, and active practice of various spatial mechanisms. Through new village space such as rural paper-cutting museum, oil painting gallery, or activities like workshops, paper-cutting courses for villagers, paper-cutting experiences and souvenirs for tourists, and so on, paper-cutting art promotes the construction of the relationship between people and rural space, becoming a new way to investigate the reproduction of rural space and a reasonable effort to revive traditional folk art.

Author Information
Wenxia Jia, Fujian Jiangxia University, China

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Conference: BAMC2022
Stream: Arts Practices

This paper is part of the BAMC2022 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Jia W. (2022) The Reconstruction of Rural Places Through Paper-Cutting Art: A Case Study of a “Paper-Cutting Village” in Fujian Province, China ISSN: 2435-9475 – The Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture 2022: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 209-216)
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