The linguistic landscape (LL) is a multifaceted phenomenon worldwide. LL is important in multilingual contexts, referring to the public display of the visible written language. Despite recent interest in LL, studies of code-mixing in English and Chinese in the linguistic landscape are few. This study extends Radtke and Yuan’s 2011 research into code-mixing in Chinese university campuses. The focus of the present study is the differences in ‘Chinglish’ and Chinese-English code-mixing found in Chinese universities that do and do not have English as the Medium Instruction. The paper explores the causes and impacts of bilingual code-mixing in linguistic landscapes that are themselves embedded in more broadly multilingual contexts. It covers the decorative and commercial uses of English in the LL as well as its propaganda value. The method of inquiry draws upon critical discourse analysis (CDA), and addresses Gorter’s (2013) concept of 'output formation'.
Author Information
Yueqing Zhong, Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College, China
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