Studies have shown that progression from academic courses to ‘real world’ employment sectors is very challenging for graphic design students (Grieve and Meek 2015; Chiang et al 2018; Swanson 1994). From employers’ perspectives, having experience in the ‘real world’ design sector, or as Grieve and Meek 2015 called the ‘business of design’, is an essential skill for recruiting a graphic designer. In this case, re-evaluating the Graphic Design curriculum by including multidisciplinary Project Based Learning (PBL) can provide graphic design students with the experience of a customer-focused approach in the ‘real world’. This article demonstrates the development of a multidisciplinary PBL module that increases the connectivity of Graphic Design and IT students’ academic courses with industry. On one hand, the multidisciplinary aspect of the project improves the skills of students to work within a design team in future. On the other, involving real customers with different cultural backgrounds from the industry, helps to improve the student’s commercial and communicational skills.
Author Information
Sahar Khajeh, University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
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