Differences as a Source of Creativity: Friendship Between Wang Hui and Yun Shouping


The biography of Wang Hui (1632-1717), a famous seventeenth-century landscapist in China, has been written many times over. While the question of whether to define him as a professional artist or as a scholar-amateur is still being debated, it has not been fully articulated what the sophistication of his identity brought to his work as an artist. Mostly, Wang Hui benefited from his standing at the verge of the professional and amateur realms: he was skilled enough to work professionally on commission, but at the same time, he possessed an intimate understanding of literary nuance. This convergence is evident throughout Wang Hui’s career, and particularly in his relationship with Yun Shouping (1633-1690), a more typical scholar-amateur than Wang Hui. Their friendship produced stimulations and inspirations, as well as contradictions and disparities. In realizing the sophistication of Wang Hui himself and of this friendship, both representing the intersection of the professional and the scholar-amateur, a new perspective of explanation can be revealed in the study of the artist.

Author Information
Xiao Sheng, Arizona State University, United States

Paper Information
Conference: ECAH2021
Stream: Arts - Social

This paper is part of the ECAH2021 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Sheng X. (2021) Differences as a Source of Creativity: Friendship Between Wang Hui and Yun Shouping ISSN: 2188-1111 – The European Conference on Arts & Humanities 2021: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 137-143) https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2188-1111.2021.12
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2188-1111.2021.12

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