Synoptic and Authentic Assessments: Moving Away From Traditional Assessments to Integrate the Development of Transferable Skills


Using traditional forms of assessment (e.g. exams and essays) does not fit with a programme that aims to have a broader and richer approach to the subject as well as the development of transferable skills that will upskill students and prepare them for the graduate world. In additions, assessment is not to be used as a form of reassurance to the assessor (i.e. they have done a ‘good’ job); assessment must allow the student to understand and discover what is fundamental from the topic, at the same time they learn different, innovative, practical ways to show and disseminate that key knowledge and their skills set. This approach is in line with Brunel University London’s strategy of using new, innovative ways of teaching and learning, and at the same time it provides students with continuity, consistency, and clarity in terms of their assessments across the programme. The purpose of this presentation is to disseminate good practice on the use of innovative assessments, specifically synoptic and authentic assessments. These assessments ensure a positive correlation with the skills set students must carry into their graduate careers, as well as allowing a shift from silo-thinking to a more interconnected perspective between modules, and improving synthesis and application skills (Southall & Wason, 2016).

Author Information
Sofia Barbosa-Bouças, Brunel University London, United Kingdom
Pauldy Otermans, Brunel University London, United Kingdom

Paper Information
Conference: ECE2021
Stream: Curriculum Design & Development

This paper is part of the ECE2021 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Barbosa-Bouças S., & Otermans P. (2021) Synoptic and Authentic Assessments: Moving Away From Traditional Assessments to Integrate the Development of Transferable Skills ISSN: 2188-1162 The European Conference on Education 2021: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 435-438)
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