The Role of Administrators in Facilitating The Implementation of Tokkatsu in EJS: Learning from EJEP Trainees’ Practices towards Egypt Vision 2030


This proposal is part of an ongoing research that started last year by an analysis of the first batch of trainees of Egypt-Japan Education Partnership (EJEP). It is a partnership for a professional development training program that was established between Egypt and Japan in 2016. The training program has started in 2019 (Mostafa, 2019) towards actualizing Egypt Vision 2030, and will run for four years. This program is based on Japan’s holistic educational curriculum model, known as “Tokkatsu” or special activities. A comparison of the program’s modifications and developments towards batches two and three was made (Mostafa, 2020) in another research. Consequently, this research did a convenience purposeful sampling of batch two trainees to analyze how the EJEP program has contributed to developing teaching methods and strategies. Up to this point, the research looked into the reports sent by those trainees before the training. This is to identify their practices and challenges while implementing tokkatsu within the new education system “Education 2.0”. Also, the weekly reports that were submitted by the trainees during the training were investigated to analyze their comments and reflections on their practices in Egypt. Subsequent research steps are looking into the new practices and experiences these trainees have implemented upon their return to Egypt following EJEP to examine how the program is contributing to developing new methodologies and strategies through tokkatsu. It will also act as the base for modifications and developments towards the next batch training.

Author Information
Yasmine Mostafa, University of Fukui, Japan

Paper Information
Conference: IICEHawaii2021
Stream: Professional Training

This paper is part of the IICEHawaii2021 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Mostafa Y. (2021) The Role of Administrators in Facilitating The Implementation of Tokkatsu in EJS: Learning from EJEP Trainees’ Practices towards Egypt Vision 2030 ISSN: 2189-1036 – The IAFOR International Conference on Education – Hawaii 2021 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 221-233)
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