How Industries Integrate COVID-19 Countermeasures Support With Environmental Concern and Community Development in Bandung, West Java: The Pindad Bandung Case


The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, which has also impacted all corners of Indonesia, meanwhile, has impacted Indonesian people’s socioeconomic welfare adversely, as well as the financial performances of industries recently. This has motivated several industries which are economically strong enough to still resume their operations to contribute something valuable to the national effort in responding to this disaster, particularly in helping these companies’ main business stakeholders as well as the local people living in the vicinity of these companies’ operational areas whose livelihoods have been adversely impacted by it. The paper will address Pindad’s efforts in overcoming the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in its operational areas, while modifying its production processes to comply with the advised health and hygiene protocols, two actions which implementation the company attempts to align with its environmental management and community empowerment principles. Pindad’s best practice in environmental impacts reduction has been able to reduce its energy use by 0.8 GJ, bringing down carbon emission by 0.12 tons of PM per annum, reducing toxic and hazardous waste by 12 tons, managing the non-toxic and hazardous waste by 40 tons, conserving biodiversity amounting to 5 squirrels in the area, as well as involving 15 locals in its community empowerment and agricultural land conversion program. Further, the paper will also address how the company is conducting all the activities mentioned above amid all the circumstances surrounding the pandemic-inflicted Indonesia in general, as well as within the specific context of the Bandung city itself.

Author Information
Dewi Permatasari, Environmental Professional, Indonesia
Trianto Sutrisno, Pindad Manufacturing, Indonesia
Lisa Andayani, Pindad Manufacturing, Indonesia
Mochamad Sugiharto, Pindad Manufacturing, Indonesia
Kingkin Karyantina, Pindad Manufacturing, Indonesia
Zen Wahyudin, Pindad Manufacturing, Indonesia

Paper Information
Conference: ACSEE2020
Stream: Environmental Sustainability & Human Consumption: Waste

This paper is part of the ACSEE2020 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Permatasari D., Sutrisno T., Andayani L., Sugiharto M., Karyantina K., & Wahyudin Z. (2020) How Industries Integrate COVID-19 Countermeasures Support With Environmental Concern and Community Development in Bandung, West Java: The Pindad Bandung Case ISSN: 2186-2311 The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment 2020: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 135-146)
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