The study on higher education is conducted under qualitative research method through interviews. That the post-secondary level of education is on expanding these years. At the same time, the world economy is developing. The deeper level of collaboration among different institutions is needed. In that way, higher education also provides an assistance to industry through teaching and research. Higher education itself also experienced structural change. The combination trend among Asia higher education sector is described as massification. It points out that the expansion not only influences economy flow, but also affects the quality in teaching (Mok, 2007). The student satisfaction is more and more being considered by education sector in its reform process. The same attention is also paid to industry satisfaction as from a stakeholder view. How to combine different side of partner in higher education to meet their different needs is a challenge. The trend of internationalization is also a force that shaped education function. Under this trend the human resource is more and more mobile and flow with job market needs. That Lingnan University is also influenced by this education trend. It is an institution that focused on Liberal Arts education under this education trend to face the competition. In on way it stressed internship program to lead cultural communication. In another way, it stressed community identity locally, with the combination of social network. This is described as a multi-layer of education system. That government social organization and school sector together shaped the education (Angela;et al., 2017).
Author Information
Yao Lujia, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
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