If Philosophy Marries Sociology: Some Reflections on the Innovations they Bring


This paper aims to analyze the interconnectedness of philosophy and sociology in terms of two newly emergent subdivisions of sociology, namely philosophical sociology and the sociology of philosophy. In the first part, sociology of philosophy is debated based on its strengths and its close relation to the history of philosophy. Especially, as an undisputed pioneer of the field, Collins’ work is being reviewed. In the second part, Chernilo’s project of a new idea of the philosophical sociology is debated by referring to the main discussion on normativity and humanity, highlighting its potential to reflect on the future of the social theory. Thus, in the concluding part, it is stressed that both subdivisions have substantial contributions to the sociology of knowledge but they have quite different positions when compared theoretically. The comparison is based on their epistemological novelty, ontological positions, theoretical and conceptual foundations, methodologies they apply and, in terms of their understanding of universality.

Author Information
Turkan Firinci Orman, Baskent University, Turkey

Paper Information
Conference: ACSS2019
Stream: Sociology

This paper is part of the ACSS2019 Conference Proceedings (View)
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Posted by James Alexander Gordon