The Chinese people is a people with long and profound history. It can be dated to Kunlun civilization in ancient times, Fuxishi, Nuwa and Chinese Three Ancestors, Huangdi, Yandi, and Chiyou. I Ching lays a solid foundation for the philosophy of thought in Chinese ethnic culture. What were Chinese religious beliefs before Buddhism reached China? War and worship affairs have been considered magnificent in Chinese dynasties. Tracing back to the battle in Zhuolu five thousand years ago, which was a vital page in Chinses history, have the worship rituals for the death been perfected now? This part of research is missing in the Eastern religious studies. Therefore, this study adopts the method of qualitative longitudinal research to study the object, the worship ceremony for the ancestors of the united Chinese peoples. The ritual texts of worshipping ancestors and related film data from 2004 to 2017 have been collected as research materials of this study. The research results show that the religious interpretation of ethnic harmony in Chinese Three-Ancestor culture expressed in the worship rituals held by Weixin Shengjiao can be divided into four periods and summarized into nine key points. Finally, this research is beneficial for Western society to understand and respect Chinese culture, and has substantial contribution to the harmony of international societies.
Author Information
Chen-Mei Li, Weixin Shengjiao College, Taiwan
Li-Yueh Chen, Weixin Shengjiao College, Taiwan
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