A Non-Engineer’s Discovery of Design Thinking


Design Thinking is a human-centred Engineering Design method that aims to find creative solutions to problems and encourages empathy, collaboration, and experimentation. This presentation will introduce Design Thinking and relate the presenter’s discovery of it as a non-Engineer who taught an Engineering English course based mainly around the Scientific Method. The presenter will demonstrate how, in response to students’ apparent lack of enthusiasm for the lesson content, he adapted lessons to include Design Thinking alongside the Scientific Method. The audience will see examples of the activities used and the results of an informal questionnaire showing students’ overwhelmingly positive reaction to the introduction of Design Thinking into the lessons. Finally, the presenter will offer recommendations for incorporating Design Thinking into language lessons.

Author Information
James Taylor, International College of Technology, Kanazawa, Japan

Paper Information
Conference: ACLL2019
Stream: Learning Environments

This paper is part of the ACLL2019 Conference Proceedings (View)
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Posted by James Alexander Gordon