In the past few years’ creativity seemed to have been the buzzword driving contemporary programmes of education and having a substantial impact on curriculum design worldwide. However, many of those programmes simply include the word ‘creative’ and leave students to their own devices, without effective guidance or examples of what creativity actually means or can lead to. This also appears to be the case in China, where students are closely supervised throughout their primary and secondary education, and once they progress to university they are expected to study independently without such supervision. One of the ways to encourage autonomy and creativity in HE learning is stimulating the interest and curiosity in that specific area, however not every module can be interesting and inspire curiosity and not every student will find interest in fields that perhaps are not so closely related to their major. This presentation will describe how interest, curiosity and creativity were enthused in year 2 University EAP students at an English Medium Instruction Collaborative University in China through research led learning and teaching.
Author Information
Piotr Artur Zychowicz, Xi'an Jiaotong - Liverpool University, China
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Conference: ACLL2019
Stream: Culture and Language
This paper is part of the ACLL2019 Conference Proceedings (View)
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