Teacher’s knowledge about his students is crucial in his effort of making learning meaningful. Moreover, knowing how students learn the English language could help English teachers plan activities suited them. This study generally determined the English language learning strategies of the grade VIII students in Tabuk City National High School, 2015-2016. It specifically found out the extent of dominant manifestation of the language learning strategies of the respondents along Memory, Cognitive, Compensation, Metacognition, Affective, and Social and its significant difference when respondents are grouped according to gender and the school program they belong. The descriptive survey method was used with the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) (50-item version 7.0 ESL/EFL) of R. L. Oxford as the instrument. t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used to determine if there were significant differences in the extent of dominant manifestation of language learning strategies of the respondents when grouped according to the moderator variables. Results showed that grade VIII students moderately manifested the language learning strategies along the six categories. Both male and female grade VIII students perceived that the language learning strategies were somewhat true to them. Regardless of school program, the students employed language learning strategies at about the same frequency which bid them in developing the macro skills in communication arts. Recommendations included that language teachers should integrate language learning strategy trainings in their lessons to make students aware of the benefits of using these in learning the English language.
Author Information
Shiela Esteban, Tabuk City National High School, The Philippines
Paper Information
Conference: IICEHawaii2019
Stream: Teaching Experiences
This paper is part of the IICEHawaii2019 Conference Proceedings (View)
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