A Study at the Constitution of Students’ Family Backgrounds of an Elite University in the Perspective of Cultural Capital


According to P. Bourdieu, educational outcomes are not mainly determined by mental abilities but habitus that develops within the social space in which parents convert their economic capital into cultural capital. Therefore, middle/ upper-class students situate a privileged position and working-class students are in an unprivileged status and such a difference, in turn, constitutes educational inequity. This relation suggests that the enrollment percentage of middle/ upper-class students at top universities should be much higher than that of their working-class counterpart. In order to examine this possible linkage, a questionnaire, which focused on the interplay between family socioeconomic status, cultural capital and educational achievement, was distributed to 114 students of an elite university, who were randomly sampled. The findings confirmed the theory of cultural capital.

Author Information
Fasheng Ju, Zhengzhou University, China

Paper Information
Conference: ACE2018
Stream: Education, Sustainability & Society: Social Justice, Development & Political Movements

This paper is part of the ACE2018 Conference Proceedings (View)
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