Collaborative Bilingual Teaching in Turkish EFL Context


This study investigates the collaborative bilingual teaching based on co- teaching model by an English language teacher and a subject teacher in a private primary level school in Istanbul. It explores the administrators’ and teachers’ perceptions and attitudes. During the bilingual collaborative teaching, each 1st grade class is staffed by two Turkish native teachers - a monolingual Turkish class teacher and a bilingual English language (L2) teacher who uses both languages (Turkish and English). The study is qualitative including semi structured interviews with 4 administrators and 12 teachers as well as observations in two classes. The data was analysed by means of inductive analysis. The findings reveal the implementation of the programme and the teachers’ practises based on different co-teaching roles, administrators and teachers’ perceptions including the benefits of the collaborative bilingual education and the challenges faced in this programme. On the basis of these findings a number of implications are discussed regarding bilingual teaching in EFL settings.

Author Information
Melda Yılmaz, Istanbul Kültür University, Turkey
Kenan Dikilitaş, Bahçeşehir University, Turkey

Paper Information
Conference: ECE2018
Stream: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis

This paper is part of the ECE2018 Conference Proceedings (View)
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Posted by James Alexander Gordon