Valuing Students Involvement in the Teaching Process: Pedagogical Implications of Self-Reflection in the EFL Classroom


Self-reflection can be recognized as a process that gives students the opportunity to stop and be reflective about the learning that has taken place(Davies, Herbst, & Busick,2013). This presentation provides an analysis of Japanese EFL college students' reflective diaries, as they were collected in a speaking and listening course. The study explores the involvement of the students in the learning process through the diaries from the angle of their role in the educators' comprehension of the students' perception as learners, as well as their pedagogical implications. The diary entries were qualitatively analyzed from the perspective of their contribution to the learners' awareness of their language skills' development and progress. In addition, the research findings were discussed on the pedagogical implications such as goal-setting, learning difficulties and motivation, and curricular aspects such as setting customized curricular goals and adjusting activity choices.

Author Information
Anna Belobrovy, Reitaku University, Japan

Paper Information
Conference: ACE2018
Stream: Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity

This paper is part of the ACE2018 Conference Proceedings (View)
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