The main purpose of this paper is to find out the rhetorical moves in the introduction section in dissertations (PhDTs) written in English in International Relations. To this end, the study uses a PhDT corpus which has been built with dissertations written by doctorate students between 2006 and 2015 at a state university in central Turkey. The communicative categories or “moves” (Swales 1981, 1990) that constitute the macrostructure of these texts have been analysed. The results revealed that the moves and steps revealed certain similarities and differences with the introduction sections in other disciplines, and provided evidence of disciplinary variation. Also, a few steps which are non-existent in the original CARS Model (Swales, 2004) and are specific to PhDTs analyzed in this study were found. Thus, a modified version of the CARS Model for PhDTs was suggested with excerpts from the corpus in detail. The rhetorical variables found in the genre may be mainly explained by the different expectations that the members of the discourse community has.
Author Information
Ece Selva Küçükoğlu, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Paper Information
Conference: ECLL2018
Stream: English for Academic Purposes
This paper is part of the ECLL2018 Conference Proceedings (View)
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