This paper explores the Cultural Sustainability of India by protecting, preserving and conserving the transparent, ethical and responsible model of ancient India with reference to Vedic literature, Upanishad and Kautilya's Arthashastra. Stories of sustainability and survival deal with land, justice, foreign policy, war and environment through ages. The Constitution of India upholds the cultural identity of India intact and is largely responsible for cultural and social sustainability of India at present. Besides, India must not in the rat race for surviving and thriving after the 'Brundtland Report' of 1987, forget the ancient knowledge of sustainability, values and principles, the middle path of Lord Buddha and treatise like Chanakaya Neeti. Hinduism, a way of life also acts as the pillar for social, economic and environmental development. The paper emphasises on events, policies and pacts where it went wrong in history and the cultural sustainability of India that acted for its survival. The paper through different examples concludes that inclusive and tolerant culture of India revamp the sustainability in general and cultural sustainability in particular, helping India survive and thrive in the world carving a niche for her.
Author Information
Rupa Singh, Anant National University, India
Paper Information
Conference: ACSEE2018
Stream: Cultural Sustainability: Protecting, Preserving and Conserving
This paper is part of the ACSEE2018 Conference Proceedings (View)
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